A resume in Word is the standard for most people. For a long time, my resume existed in Word format, where I:
However, over time, I started noticing the limitations of Word, particularly with precise formatting and version management.
Why you should try LaTeX:
To avoid installing LaTeX locally, you can use Docker. Here is an example of a Docker file:
FROM debian:buster-slim
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \
biber=2.12-2 \
latexmk=1:4.61-0.1 \
texlive-full=2018.20190227-2 && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
Building the image:
docker build -t latex .
Building the document:
docker run -v `pwd`:/tmp latex pdflatex cv.tex
As a result, a cv.pdf will appear in the same directory.
Source: joshfinnie.com/blog/latex-through-docker.
To get started with resumes in LaTeX, you can use ready-made templates. One of the best resources is: Overleaf Templates
There, you can find many examples that are easy to adapt to your needs.
Here is an example of what my resume, created in LaTeX, looks like:
And its source code:
% !TeX spellcheck = en_GB
% !TeX program = pdflatex
\documentclass[11pt, a4paper]{article}
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % hence this preparation
\usepackage[left = 0mm, right = 0mm, top = 0mm, bottom = 0mm]{geometry}
\usepackage[stretch = 25, shrink = 25, tracking=true, letterspace=30]{microtype}
\newcommand{\dates}[1]{\hfill\mbox{\textbf{#1}}} % Bold stuff that doesn’t got broken into lines
\newcommand{\is}{\par\vskip.5ex plus .4ex} % Item spacing
\usepackage[colorlinks = true, urlcolor = black, linkcolor = black]{hyperref}
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.33\textwidth} %% Left column -- outer definition
\vspace{-.2ex} % Eliminates the small gap
\colorbox{parchment}{\color{black} %% LEFT BOX
\kern0.09\textwidth\relax% Left margin provided explicitly
\Large Stanislav \textbf{\textsc{Raskumandrin}} \normalsize
% Centering without extra vertical spacing
\vspace*{3ex} % Extra space after the picture
% https://ctan.org/pkg/fontawesome5
% http://mirrors.ibiblio.org/CTAN/fonts/fontawesome5/doc/fontawesome5.pdf
\faEnvelope[regular] & \href{mailto:mail@gmail.com}{mail@gmail.com} \\[0.75ex]
\faMobile* & \href{tel:+381123456789}{+381\,12\,345\,67\,89} \\[0.75ex]
\faTelegramPlane & \href{https://t.me/telegram}{https://t.me/telegram}
I have accrued 17 years of experience working with Perl and nearly 19 years of proficiency in SQL, both of which I
have a genuine passion for. My expertise extends beyond coding as I actively engage with my team and consumers to
create and maintain information systems. Additionally, I stay vigilant in monitoring emerging trends relevant to my
field of expertise.
% \faTag Perl \faTag SQL
\headleft{Soft Skills}
In my role as Team Lead for a team of five developers within an agile framework, I have excelled in time management,
ensuring efficient project delivery and resource allocation. My strong conflict resolution and negotiation skills have
facilitated smooth team dynamics and stakeholder communication, resulting in effective problem-solving and consensus
building. Additionally, my meticulous documentation practices have contributed to enhanced project clarity and knowledge
sharing, fostering a more organized and collaborative work environment.
%\item SQL, SSMS, Power BI,Power BI Service, DAX Functions,
%Tableau, Python, PySpark
%\item Panda, Numpy, Warehouse, Azure Databricks
%\item Microsoft Excel, MS Word,MS PowerPoint
%\item SQL Server, T-SQL, Kibana,Eclipse Birt,ETL
%\item JavaScript, HTML, GitHub
%\item Communication and team collaboration
\kern0.09\textwidth\relax%%Right margin provided explicitly to stretch the colourbox
\end{minipage}% Right column
\hskip2.5em% Left margin for the white area
\setlength{\parskip}{0.8ex}% Adds spaces between paragraphs; use \\ to add new lines without this space. Shrink this amount to fit more data vertically
\textsc{\normalsize Limited company “Epam”} \dates{2016--2024}
\footnotesize Team Lead. External project: Health LRP application development and
maintenance (Perl, Bash; Oracle; Solaris, Red Hat; AWS; Vim, tmux; SVN, Git; Chef, Jenkins). https://epam.com/
\textsc{\normalsize Saint Petersburg State Company “Mineral”} \dates{2014--2016}
\footnotesize Development of tracking and analytical system for air pollution
inspection, development of device drivers (Perl; Tiny Core Linux).
\textsc{\normalsize Limited company “Torgovy Dom Severo-Zapadny”} \dates{2015}
\footnotesize Development of online–shop platform (Perl; MySQL; CentOS;
Atlassian stack: JIRA, Confluence, Bitbucket, HipChat). http://www.220-volt.ru/
\textsc{\normalsize Limited company “EuroLife”} \dates{2014}
\footnotesize Development of order automation system for construction company (Perl, Mojolicious;
MySQL; JavaScript; Bootstrap 3).
\textsc{\normalsize Limited company “Inter”} \dates{2006--2016}
\footnotesize Design, development, and maintenance of online–shop platform. (Perl, Mojolicious;
MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite; Debian, Apache, Nginx; Memcached; Sphinx; AWS). Implementation of sms-mail service,
automation accounting of suppliers' warehouses, etc.
\textsc{\normalsize Limited company “Solus”} \dates{2012}
\footnotesize Websites development with company's perl–based CMS. http://solus.ru/web-cms.html
\textsc{\normalsize Limited company “DeltaIncom”} \dates{2010--2011}
\footnotesize Development of government registries extracts system (Perl, MySql). http://deltaincom.ru.
\textsc{\normalsize Limited company} \dates{2008--2011}
\footnotesize Development of online banking system. (Perl, MySql). Intranet.
\textsc{\normalsize Closed joint-stock company “Medi”} \dates{2005--2011}
\footnotesize Maintenance of corporate information system (MS SQL 6.5, 2000); BI
reporting (Transact-SQL); programming user interface (Delphi 6).
\textsc{\normalsize Limited company “Rad”, closed joint-stock company “Expoline” and non-profit charitable organization “Hesed”} \dates{2002--2004}
\footnotesize Developer (Delphi 6, Delphi 7, InterBase, MS Access, administration of a computer network).
\headright{\normalsize Education}
\textsc{Diploma Engineer Degree Programmes Applied mathematics} \dates{1999--2005}
\footnotesize Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University “LETI” (ETU). The Faculty of Computing Technologies and
Informatics. https://etu.ru/en/university/
\textsc{Accounting courses} \dates{2011}
\textsc{Course of English language} \dates{1996--1998}
\headright{\normalsize Certifications}
\textsc{English Assessment. Speaking: B2, writing: B2} \dates{2023}
\vspace*{4ex} % Extra space after the picture
Public Git repository: \href{https://bitbucket.org/raskumandrin}{bitbucket.org/raskumandrin}
Blog: \href{https://raskumandrin.pages.dev/en}{raskumandrin.pages.dev}
LinkedIn: \href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/raskumas/}{linkedin.com/in/raskumas}
\vspace*{4ex} % Extra space after the picture
References available upon request.