Historical weather forecasts on selected Patagonia summits

May 29, 2016

A year ago, a friend wrote: "Here are the addresses of the pages to be monitored, they are all the same in structure:

What should be scraped: Weather Forecast Issued (local time) - maybe it's better to break down into three fields: Time, number, month, year, so Excel can be comfortable. to count the average. And three times on the next day (column am/pm/night) the following fields: Summary (text), Wind (km/h), Snow (cm), High °C, Low °C, Chill °C, Freezing level (m), I think it's enough to come in once a day at 9:00 on Peter, that's 3. at night in their time - three columns are guaranteed for the nearest one. a day. Save it all, I guess, in csv».

The average temperature is like the average temperature in a hospital. You need two separate graphs - the maximum per price and the minimum per day. + maximum wind speed + wind chill

And here's what came out of it.

Monte Burney


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Monte Darwin


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Cerro Arenales


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San Lorenzo Patagonia


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Monte San Valentin


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List of peaks in Chile (wikipedia.org)

Sources: https://bitbucket.org/raskumandrin/mountain-forecast/src